10 Obiceiuri Zilnice Care Îți Dau O Voință Uriașă!

„We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.”

– Aristotle

Succesul nu este o destinație ci un drum. Succesul nu se întâmplă dintr-o dată ci de-a lungul a sute și mii de ore de concentrare, trudă, eșecuri și mici izbânzi.

Succesul este o cladire uriașă la car elucrezi zi de zi, punând cărămidă peste cărămidă. Vârful piramidei nu poate exista fără baza sa. Ai putea să spui că vârful este mai important decât fundația, că o cărămidă este mai importantă decât o alta?

Succesul nu trebuie să însemne însă efort!

Efortul este perceptu de mintea omului ca fiind ceva greu, dificil, anevoios. Este o acțiune conștientă! Un om care suferă de o fobie de pisici, face un efort conștient pentru a-și controla reacția fobică, de respingere, de frică, de fugă. În schimb, o persoană care iubește pisicile, ar trebui să se controleze să nu ia pisica în brațe.

În ambele situații, efortul este unul conștient. Diferența este adusă de modul de reprezentare al stimulului și de modul de reacție la stimul (în exemplul de mai sus, pisica).

Voința este un efort conștient. Ne gândim mereu cum să facem să o antrenăm mai bine, cum să facem să fie mai puternică. Cu toate acestea, putem să modificăm un pic sistemul de gândire și astfel, să obținem rezultatele pe care le dorim fără să simțimm că depunem un efort. Astfel, putem vorbi de o Voință de suprafață și una de profunzime, o voință care ne împinge înainte în mod natural, pentru că așa simțim, nu pentru că ne forțăm.

Pentru a obține acest rezultat, trebuie să punem la punct sisteme, automatisme care în timp vor genera rezultate excelente, fără a resimți vreun efort.

Mai jos ai 10 Obiceiuri dovedite științific să îți dea o voință uriașă!


Meditația este cel mai rapid și mai eficient mod de a-ți mări puterea voinței. Meditația antrenează creierul să reziste tentației de a o lua pe câmpii. Studiile arată că după doar 2-3 zile de de practică a meditație timp de doar 10 minute, creierul tău se va putea concentra și focaliza mai bine, vei avea mai multă energie și te vei simți mai relaxat. [1]

Există nenumărate mituri legate de meditație de la bețișoare parfumate la incantații, anumite veșminte, etc. Dacă ar fi să spunem ce este meditația, cel mai simplu mod de a o explica este acela de a-ți aduna gândurile și a le focaliza pe momentul prezent. 47% din viața noastră este consumată gândindu-ne fie la trecut fie la viitor, dar nu la prezent! [2]

Extrem de puțin din timpul pe care îl avem la dispoziție este folosit pentru a avea o minte clară, focalizată pe ce facem chiar acum, în această clipă.

Meditația te ajută să faci exact asta! Să golești mintea și să o focalizezi pe momentul prezent. Există sute de meditații însă cea care te ajută cel mai mult într-o astfel de situație este ceea ce eu am numit Exercițiul de Observare.

Meditația te ajută să faci exact asta. De obicei, când practici acest exercițiu, stai cu spatele drept, într-o cameră în care nu te deranjează nimeni și te focalizezi exclusiv asupra respirației. Dar nu înseamnă că ești limitat doar la asta. Poți să o practici oriunde și oricum, și când ești acasă stând cu picioarele încrucișate dar și când stai la semafor sau la coadă la supermarket.


Câdn te hrănești, componentele chimice ale hranei, cum ar fi glucoza, circulă prin sânge în întreg organismul. Glucoza este folosită de creier drept carburant pentru a gândi, crea și pentru manifesta voința. Pentru a te asigura că ai energie suficientă pentru a manifesta și exercita voința, sigură-te că creierul tău are suficientă glucoză. [3]

Orice aliment care conține calorii va da creierului glucoză pentru lucru. Dar nu toate sursele de glucoză sunt la fel. Zaharurile generează un vârf rapid de glucoză ceea ce își va da energie pentru o scurtă perioadă de timp, dar care apoi va genera o cădere la fel de rapidă conducând la o scădere puternică a energiei și deci, a voinței.

Cel mai bun lucru pe care îl poți face este să menții nivelul de glucoză constant. Astfel creierul tău va avea o rezervă continuă de energie de care se poate folosi pentru a exercita voința pe termen lung. Pentru a obține acest rezultat, oamenii de știință recomandă o dietă cu o glicemie scăzută. [4]

Iată câteva alimente care au un indice glicemic scăzut dar care susțin voința pe termen lung:
1. Proteinele sărace
– Nimic complicat – carne slabă, carne de pasăre, pește
Mai precis, nucile care au un conținut ridicat de grăsimi Omega-3, cum ar fi nucile românești, nucile caju sau nucile pecan. Alunele nu intră în această categorie.

3. Fructe Proaspete

Fructele proaspete sunt de preferat celor uscate pentru că cele uscate au un conținut ridicat de zahăr care va genera o explozie de glucoză care la rândul său va genera o cădere ulterioară. Dintre fructe, cele mai recomandate sunt Orice tip de fructe de pădure, dar și bananele, mere, cireșe.

4. Legume

Orice tip de legumă te va ajuta să îți consolidezi voința dar dintre toate acestea, cele mai puternice sunt rădăcinoasele cum ar fi cartofii dulci, cartofii, morcovi.
Nu încerca să îți schimbi dieta complet dacă nu ai deja aceste alimente ca parte integrantă al hranei zilnice. Cel mai bine este să te focalizezi să mănânci astfel doar o masă pe zi, de preferat micul dejun.


Voința scade vertiginos dacă nu ai avut suficient timp să te odihnești! Când ești obosit, celulele nervoase, din creier, nu mai pot absorbi sufiecientă glucoză ceea ce conduce la o scădere rapidă voinței. [5]

Astfel, când creierul observă că nu are suficientă glucoză, va tânji imediat după mâncare bogată în zaharuri precum și cafeină, pentru a-și reumple rezervoarele. Pentru că aceste celule nu vor putea acumula glucoza cum trebuie, nu doar că vei mânca junk food (mizerii), dar vei mânca mult mai mult decât ai nevoie. Creierul tău va cere mereu tot mai multă hrană junk pentru a obține cantitatea de glucoză necesară, indiferent de câte calorii implică asta.

Din feririce, există o multidudine

Luckily, there are scientifically proven tactics that will help you get a better night’s sleep even without adding more hours:


Most of us underestimate the affect that lights in our room have on our sleep. When our room is completely dark, it helps our brain shut down and sleep more efficiently. This helps us get more rest out of the hours we lay in bed; helping to restore our willpower. [6]

2. NAP

Other research suggests that it is the amount of consecutive hours you spend awake that matters the most. So breaking up the day with a nap can have significant benefits. It is better to sleep for 7 hours with a 1-hour nap than it is to sleep for 8 consecutive hours without taking that break during the day. [7]


Getting more sleep on the weekend will create a reserve of energy your brain can use for willpower during the week. So if you cannot squeeze more hours of sleep in during the week, see if you can catch up on the weekend. [8]


We all know that exercise is good for our health, but can it also be good for our willpower? In order to find out, researchers found 24 non-exercisers between 18 and 50 to partake in a 2-month study. They were given free gym memberships and asked to exercise just 1x/week for the first month and 3x/week for the second month.

Throughout the study they would test the participants on various self-control activities from resisting temptations to persevering through challenging tasks.

The results were nothing short of remarkable.

After just 2 months of exercise every participant had indeed increased his or her ability to resist temptations and persevere on tasks.

But the benefits didn’t end there. Without any instruction by the researchers, the participants also:

· Procrastinated less

· Felt more in control of their emotions

· Reduced smoking, alcohol and caffeine intake

· Saved more money

· Ate less junk food

· Began eating a healthier diet

· Watched less TV

· Spent more time studying

· Splurged on impulse purchases less

· Were more likely to be on time to appointments

All of these activities occurred naturally from the habitual exercise! [9]

Now, before you set a plan to go from not exercising at all to exercising every day, let’s pause. It’s important to remember that for a full month, these participants only went to the gym 1x/week. That means they only went 4 times total in the entire first month!

Clearly, it is not necessary for you to go crazy with your exercise plan. To start getting all of the benefits listed above, you just need to make a plan that is consistent, not overwhelming. Whether you can exercise 1x/week or 4x/week, it doesn’t matter. To see the benefits, you just need to set a plan that you will not fail.


Ready for a puzzle? See if you can write down a list of all 50 states.

When you have listed 10, see if you can continue writing them while also figuring out the answer to 17 x 24.

Were you able to do it?

We have 2 distinct parts of our brain that help in our problem-solving. One is the limbic system, which makes our easy and automatic decisions. This includes brushing our teeth and stopping at a red light. This part of the brain is also short-term minded, and is what motivates us to indulge in unhealthy food and get off of the treadmill.

The other is the pre-frontal cortex, which solves more difficult problems like how to effectively communicate or solve more complicated math equations like the one above. This is also the part of our brain that thinks long-term and is responsible for our willpower.

The problems above both require the pre-frontal cortex to solve. If I were to ask you to write the 50 states and do a simple problem like 10 x 5, you would have had no problem doing it. 10 x 5 is easy. It only requires our limbic system to solve, so we can successfully multi-task.

The more we multi-task, the more we train our limbic system. So by trying to do 4 things at once, we are unknowingly making the part of the brain that wants us to indulge stronger.

The pre-frontal cortex, however, cannot multi-task. The problems it deals with are too complicated. So by focusing on one task at a time, we are making the part of the brain that exerts willpower stronger!

So resist the temptation to multi-task and remain focused. This will train your willpower and help you make tough decisions. [10]


We tend to believe that every choice we make throughout the day goes through a process of well-informed decision-making. But 45% of our daily-decision are made completely automatically. From what we decide to eat, what we decide to wear and what we decide to do when we first get to work, our brains are running on autopilot. [11]

You can overcome this tendency by becoming more mindful of your daily decisions. This is as simple as pausing and questioning why you are making the decision to get coffee as soon as you make it into the office. Or why you are eating cereal for breakfast rather than eggs.

Simply question these daily decisions and you will strengthen your willpower to make better choices throughout the day. [10]


Something odd happens in our brains when we look at ourselves in the mirror. The part of the brain that would say „hey, that’s me in the mirror” is not activated. Instead it is a part of the brain that says „I wish I was taller, skinnier, more muscular, etc.” [12]

In other words, rather than seeing see who we are, we see who we want to be. This is not because we are shallow, it is because we all have an ideal self that we want to live up to. With this ideal self in our mind, we begin to think and act more like them.

The best way to keep your ideal self in mind is through a process called Self-Monitoring. This involves keeping track of as much information on yourself as possible. Like with the mirror, you will look at the information on yourself and compare it to what you really want. This will strengthen your willpower and help you make better decisions.

To get started, check out the list of ways to begin self-monitoring at the bottom of this article.


When researchers came across a group of people in the Netherlands who seemingly had unstoppable willpower, they thought they must be saints. They ate extremely healthy, exercised regularly, hardly procrastinated and reported less stress than almost everyone around them.

But they were not saints at all. Many of them reported that if they were to get behind a bar stool, they would never leave. Others reported that they were unable to resist sweets whenever they were around. It seemed that these „saints” were prone to the same temptations as the rest of us. [13]

So what was their secret?

The secret, it turned out, was that these people simply did not put themselves in those situations. Their lifestyles were well-organized to prevent having to look temptation in the face.

These people played offense. They thought about what might tempt them in the future – whether it was alcohol, sweets, or distractions from work – and set themselves up to avoid them. They were seemingly willpower super heroes because they almost never had to use it.

In your life, look for the things that test your willpower. How can you play offense and remove future temptations?


We have all experienced the feeling of inspiration at some point in our lives. It may have been from a story in history, a speech by a great leader, or by a friend or family member. When we become inspired, we get a rush of energy that we feel can take us to new heights. It’s almost as if we get more willpower.

When we witness something inspiring, the part of the pre-frontal cortex that thinks about the long-term lights up. The neurons in this part of the brain start firing and we feel a rush of energy as we begin to believe in our dreams and goals.

This essentially means that by becoming inspired, we give the pre-frontal cortex more power. This strengthens our willpower and makes it easier to work towards our long-term goals. [14]

To tap into this willpower, find something inspiring that you can turn to on a daily basis. This will help you find the willpower you need even when times get tough.


The last and perhaps the most important willpower habit is chunking. Chunking is the process of taking a large task, goal, dream, etc. and breaking it into manageable “chunks”.

If you’ve ever had a goal, you know how exciting it can be at first. You can see the “after photo” of your life when the goal is achieved – and you love what you see. You imagine all of the great things about the “new you” and you can’t wait to get started working towards that goal!

Then it’s time to actually do the work. And whether that work is putting pen to paper, or putting foot to treadmill, you get a sudden rush of being completely overwhelmed. You see just how much work it’s going to take to get you from where you are, to where you want to be. Then you get paralyzed by the fact that you don’t know where to begin. So you don’t bother trying, or you lose the persistence to keep going.

Chunking works because it shifts your focus from that larger goal, into smaller chunks that are easier for your brain to comprehend. If your goal is to follow a 12-week exercise plan, it can be overwhelming when you’re tired on day 4 and thinking about the fact that you have 80 more days of this. [15]

But if you shift your focus to simply accomplishing the workout plan today, you are far less likely to become overwhelmed. Then, before you know it, 20, 40, 60 days have passed and you are more confident than ever that we can make it to the end.


Excellence is a habit. It is a lot of small things done well, day-after-day. Starting any one of the habits listed above has been proven to give you incredible willpower over time. But you must be consistent.

It will be far more beneficial for you to begin just 1 of these daily willpower habits and do it consistently, than to do all 10 for a short period of time. So select just 1 habit to add to your life and stick to it. After it has truly become a habit, move on to the next one. Over time, you will see incredible benefits to your willpower!

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2019-01-16T15:37:58+02:00 24 septembrie 2015|